
In-Game Activities
Fan Festival 2014 is a great opportunity for FFXIV fans to come and play together on the same team, and in the same room, for great rewards in a variety of unique in-game activities! Strategize with your fellow players, outline your battle plan and emerge victorious in a number of specialized challenges throughout the event!
Players can try their hand at a number of exciting activities including:
Special Battle Challenge
- What brand-new challenge awaits Fan Festival 2014 attendees? You’ll have to wait till the event to find out!
Extreme Primal Challenge Roulette
- Join a team of 8 fellow players and try your luck on our Roulette Wheel which not only chooses which Extreme Primal you’ll face, but what handicap will put your best skills to the test!
72-Player Frontline LIVE
- Group and strategize your team of 24 players to reach the top in this massive multi-alliance battle live and in-person at Fan Festival 2014!
Dungeon Speed Run Challenge
- Think you have the best time in the Lost City of Amdapor? How quickly have you cleared Brayflox’s Longstop (Hard)? Go head-to-head-to-head in three teams of four and beat your fellow players to the end with blinding speed!

LIVE Quest
The quests and challenges in FFXIV have been recreated in loving tribute to Eorzean lore in the LIVE Quest at Fan Festival! Join your fellow adventurers to solve complex puzzles and challenges and earn rewards as you embark on an epic journey!
We’ll have a few more details on the upcoming LIVE Quest as we get closer to October. Hope to see you on the adventure!